QR-Patrol resources

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QR-Patrol system architecture: 12 key-points to trust QR-Patrol services!


Here at QR-Patrol, we aim to ensure that you have the optimal experience using our system; this includes not only providing a user-friendly and powerful User Interface, but also ensuring that your data is transferred and stored securely and that you can use QR-Patrol 24/7!

We've taken all the necessary measures so that you benefit from QR-Patrol while being worry-free - read our bloghttps://www.qrpatrol.com/contact-form post to learn more details!

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QR-Patrol Quick User Guide


This short guide will help you configure all basic settings needed to setup your QR-Patrol account for first time and learn about all the necessary steps in order to quickly manage patrols.

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Veröffentlichung unserer neuen Videopräsentation


Wir geben die Veröffentlichung unserer neuen Video-Präsentation der QR-Patrol Smart Guard Tour-Anwendung bekannt.

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QR-Patrol Quick Start User Guide


We are glad to announce that a new guide to help our partners and clients is now available! QR-Patrol Quick Start User Guide is designed so as to guide through the absolutely necessary steps in order to setup QR-Patrol and manage quickly guards and patrol tours. 

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QR-Patrol web application User Guide - New Release!


QR-Patrol team is happy to announce the new and totally updated QR-Patrol mobile application User Guide, designed to engage clients in QR-Patrol functionality and multiple features.

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QR-Patrol mobile application new User Guide


QR-Patrol team is happy to announce the new and totally updated QR-Patrol mobile application User Guide, designed to engage clients in QR-Patrol functionality and multiple features.

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QR-Patrol video presentation


Feel tired of the ongoing problems a traditional guard tour system provokes during your patrol and guard tour management process? See how QR-Patrol guard tour system will help you override obstacles and get absolute control over locations and guards in this short video presentation!

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How to use QR-Patrol (infographic)


It is really simple! Assign each QR-code or NFC tag to a checkpoint and place them on each different asset / building / territory. Your guards are now ready to start their patrol tours and monitoring center will receive real-time alerts!

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Our new video presentation release!


We announce our new video presentation release of QR-Patrol smart guard tour application. The video explains all the core features of QR-Patrol guard tour application and analyzes the core functions of our innovative system. Take a tour and enjoy!


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  • Thesi Ntousia, Bafra,
    Ioannina, Zip: 45500 Griechenland
  • Telefon: +30-26510-94333
  • Email:
  • info(at)qrpatrol(dot)com



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